EMA offers to their customers a wide range of internal floating roofs for aboveground storage tanks.
EMA Internal Floating Roofs are constructed with aluminum or Stainless Steel depending on stored product in the tank. That makes EMA internal floating roofs customized for every specific storage tank. EMA offers pontoon type internal floating roof and full contact internal floating roof both. All EMA internal floating roofs are complying with the related API and EN standards regardless from the type of the floating roof and the product stored.
The best way of the emission control and vapor loss is using an internal floating roof and EMA is offering you the best solution as well.
Vapor loss is reduced by 75% when compared to traditional skin and pontoon roofs. EMA internal floating roofs are all shop fabricated and customer needs nothing but a simple installation drawing to install the internal floating roof at site. No welding needed and all bolted connection.
Please contact with us for more information requested.